Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Nuns in the News - When an old Nun can't accept that Jesus might have had a girlfriend.

And speaking of Irate Nuns, check out today's pick for "Nuns in the News" -

One novel bandied about whilst in Rome and waiting for the white smoke to shoot out of the chimney, was most certainly The Da Vinci Code (or "DVC" if talking about it in mixed company) that suggests JC and MM had a trist of some sort. As Hollywood most certainly would come knocking as if a prostitute at a convention, the book was snapped up and the movie is being filmed right now in England. Well, rather filming is supposed to take place outside of Winchester Cathedral, 'er, the Lincoln Cathedral, however, Sister Mary Michael, a 61-year-old-nun is laying down across the pavement, when she' s not kneeling and bleeding at the knees, of course, in fervent prayer, and putting the brakes on the whole production! Sister takes great issue with DVC although admittedly she has not read it, calling it "an old error, derived from mystery faiths of the east."

The east, meaning New York Catholics, or the Eastside Catholics verses the Across the Pond Catholics? Such as the difference in the sounds of East Coast, West Coast rap? Or the 'mysteries' of Eastern religions? Gives one pause. Anyhow read about it at the above link. For more pressing stories, check out this link where you can join a vigil in support of "anti-war mom" Cindy Sheehan.

Until next time...

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