Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Capitalist Nun

Who knew centuries ago when the first sister donned a habit that nuns in the modern age would become a business, the subject of latent Catholic angst or a worldwide pop culture phenomenom right up there with Andy Warhol (himself a devout Catholic)? As a business not only has it filled a few therapists' couches, but the amount of 'nun-o-belia' (copyright, ahem, pending) that I for instance have received over the years, is astounding. Just go to ebay and type in 'nuns' and see what you'll find. It's a wonder we still hold bake sales and church bazaars to raise extra funds. You think if we just did some paintings and signed them Sister Mary Patrick, like the painting elephants and babboons whose work has made its way into galleries, we could cash in and get better towels for the bathroom, or trade in those old lady automobiles for something a wee bit more sporty. I mean, we are nuns 24/7, but we do like to put pedal to the metal now and then. Actually, with the price of gas you may noticed some of us on the bus seat next to you or in the subways. Or if on the grand streets of New York, hailing a taxi. Believe me, no one can out-whistle a nun when hailing a cab!

Well, with that in mind we would like to thank our sponsors as you'll notice on the right side of the page. Who knows - maybe free tours of convents or trips to the Trappists breweries and other nun-such contests will be offered

Until next time...keep sending those cards and letters.

Sister Q, by the way has voted for Nun X to have her own column. We'll see if we can twist her habit.

1 comment:

Nunpuns and TrAiLER tRASh said...

Nuns in taxi cabs... that sounds like a good nunpun painting!