Our favorite mentally roving reporter, Nun X always has the most unique take on most any subject be it, Monk breweries, Pomeroys, or politics, and can erect an easy bridge between all three leaving you in her wake as you scramble for a comeback. Sit for a few hours with Nun X and she'll mix up a blender full of stories including one about her days in a dusty car cruising through Morocco. These tales usually told while the Stiff Pickle Orchestra spins in the background.
Once again as you'll read in her posting below, Nun X has designed a unique thoroughfare between recent Pope pronouncements, the Los Angeles Freeways, old St. Nick and the California tradition of naming a road or a locale after a saint.
Without further ado...
Dateline: Los Angeles, Subject: Nun X incensed
I've been backed up to the third rib with indignation about the latest Popeist commandments. Anyone who has driven up the 101 will have noticed the list of Saints male and female littering the Camino Real:
Santa Monica,
San Fernando
Santa Claus
Santa Barbara...
Hold on, Santa Claus? Is there a mistake? Could this be a protest from the Northern Tribes as they trudged along under the tyrannical thumb of the tonsilled few on their journey north? Innocent fun. 'Here Lads just add an A, for a bit of fun.'
One is lead to consider that the Good Santa himself may infact have been Mrs. Claus in disguise. Perhaps to cover up a pregnancy in front of the children, Santa Claus was given a big belly. Mayhaps the only disguise left to the Pregnant Bearded Lady appearing at some Victorian frollick. A left over from the days of misrule and Pagan Yule tide logs. Or Pantomime, with its good spattering of Cross Dressers and the Widow Twankie snapping garters and fondling beard as she cavorted before the Gas Light stage. The Principal man in fair maidens bloom would not have raised an eyebrow at the honorable Santa Claus as he/she cavorted amongst the young ones.
So Pop(e) old girl, what about it? Remember the Lady in that position, and reinstate her image on the wall in honor of our dear Santa Claus.
Gays in the Belfry and tipple in the Hall.
I say, let them lie where they will....one and all.
Nun X
Heyward On Rosen; Bloggers On Heyward
Last month's gathering of MSM executives and bloggers at the Museum of Television and Radio ... But it did affect what Democrats in the future could say: 'The era of big government is back?
Great blog, very interesting. I bookmarkedalready. I have a retire early site. it has retire early INFORMATION, It is great is you want to quit your job:-)
Nuns my dear don't retire early. We keep on going like a bad habit!
This site is funny.
It's Pat's world over there, it's a nun's world over here.
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