Saturday, October 29, 2005

And They're Off! What happened when the umbrella opened and a huge gale force came by!

Who needs wings to fly indeed?! Apparently "the" King of the World blessed the sisters with the gift of flight! So, look up in the skies and if you see a black and white streak go by, try not to throw rocks at them!


Anonymous said...

I see em flying around ALL the time... after us brothers finish sampling the beer. It's always time to sample the beer! hiccup...

Anonymous said...

Well done on a nice blog A Nun. I was searching for information on santa suits and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to santa suits but very nice all the same!

We're all getting ready for Christmas and I've just put the finishing touches to my new site specially for kids, or rather their parents and relatives. You can go there and get Santa to send a really nice personalized letter to a youngster. It's great fun! If you have a moment, perhaps you'd enjoy taking a look: Letter from Santa .

Well, a merry Christmas to you and yours!