I first got my feet wet as a nun by, yes, I have to admit, dressing up as a Nun one Halloween when I was a wee-novitiate-in-training. Naturally being part of a Catholic family on a layman's salary, I had to be inventive and transformed a sibling's black graduation gown into a habit. Throw in my First Holy Communion rosary and some white linen from the linen drawer and voila! I could have walked into the convent at my local parochial school and had a meeting of the minds with the Philadelphia penguins, i.e., the sisters, not a home team of any sort. Oddly enough it inspired my brothers to do the same. (they didn't become priests, but seem to have retained an odd fascination as they approach middle age even, for the trumpet sounds their orifice can create after a night of eating Mexican food)
Strange things can happen when "a nun" child shows up at a door searching for candy (and certainly prepares you for the begging and life of poverty you take up as the real deal) or an adult attends a booze-laden Halloween party.
Whilst perusing for some such stories to forewarn all you playful souls about the dangers of parading as a wanna-be nun on Halloween, I chanced upon this story, in three parts no less, at the Revolution Pollution blog site. Quite a story this blogger has to tell with the quotable quote, "I must say I look ravishing as a nun if a nun can look ravishing." Chapter One of this harrowing story -- "The Nun Who Drank Too Much." Chapter Two - "The Nun Who Drank Too Much, Pt. 2" and the grand finale, "The Nun Goes to Court."
Let me perhaps provide you with this visual, if this story doesn't scare you enough. If the Nun shenanigans get out of hand and you are a "she," you could end up in the pokey, and we all saw what happened to Linda Blair in "Born Innocent." (made me never want to 'sweep' again, if you catch my holy drift) If you're a "he," well, does the phrase, "wearing your boxers backwards?" mean anything to you? Let's just say 'a he-nun in a pokey, is surely to get it. Okie dokie?'
So, if any of you wannabes need advice on your nun regalia that you'll be trouncing around in on Halloween, send me a picture and we'll post it for all the web world to see.
Until then, those readers in the U.K. can find the above costume at the partydomain.co.uk
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