My, my, my if ever a poor dear needed rescuing, and as the Whoopster's character in Sister Act hid out in a convent from the mob, for the sake of escaping the trainwreck-de-la-Cruise, Miss Katie Holmes please run to your nearest costume shop, purchase a nun's habit (discounts aplenty with Halloween around the corner) and knock on our convent door for immediate entrance! We're the next best thing to, ahem, Holmes for Unwed Mothers, and we'll even watch junior or juniorette, when you go to work everyday.
We held a bake sale, announced it at mass, raffled off Sister Divinia's big screen TV (since being 92 she sleeps through most of the day and is 'nun' the wiser...), sold chocolate bars, and raised I believe enough money to somewhat match the salary you surely must have been paid for your performance-of-a-lifetime in the I'm Tom Cruise's Wife movie that will screen at the current running time of the next... five years.
So, you have your choice Miss Holmes.... one of these images could be you!
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