Saturday, October 29, 2005
And They're Off! What happened when the umbrella opened and a huge gale force came by!
Who needs wings to fly indeed?! Apparently "the" King of the World blessed the sisters with the gift of flight! So, look up in the skies and if you see a black and white streak go by, try not to throw rocks at them!
Friday, October 28, 2005
Friday - Nun Fun Foto Time - "I'm King of the World!"
Well, the sisters apparently tired of playing croquet and horseshoes decided instead to play charades, this no doubt being the "I'm the King of the World" scene from "Titanic." Or perhaps she is imagining herself as the Flying Nun as she prepares to take flight, or that she'll get enough of gale force and float about as if she were Mary Poppins.
One thing is for certain, these sisters no doubt have been to a Trappist Monk's Brewery!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Who's Minding the Store? Ebay Nun Item of the Week
If one floats over to Ebay and just types in "nuns" there are always a plethora of items to choose from for the 'pick of the week.' Anything from Nun Vases, more nun movies, some a little on the 'blue' side (more on that later...), musical figurines, a playmobil (scare your baby!), Nunzilla, Nun Canape Plate Set ("a great gift idea!"), Circa 1900 Nun's Rosary (whose been robbing the gravesites?!) and several nun costumes which brings us to this week's pick....
3-piece Wet Look Naughty Nun Mini Costume!
Honestly, you lay people! Well, off for more prayer time. Besides everyone knows that we shower sans habits!
Monday, October 24, 2005
Beaned by a Fly Ball - Nuns Pray for White Sox in Chicago, While Natl Guard Join Nuns in Watch Over Ninth Ward
Well, if ever there were things to pray for, Lord knows we have a big enough list, just close your eyes and point to anywhere on the dossier and you'll find something significant to send you into vespers.... a trio of nuns in Chicago who have tix to Game 1 bequeathed to them by a benefactor are so excited they're praying for a White Sox victory! And mind you, this is neither in support of or against said team as I only pray to the Big Referee upstairs while the Sisters of Casimir are praying for a "divine intervention" for the 'end of October' (sports lingo schmingo).
Meanwhile the Washington National Guard has joined the Marianites of the Holy Cross (those are nuns to you lay persons) to watch over the Ninth Ward in New Orleans. When the flood waters came from Katrina, the Guard had to hole up in the convent and have since been living side by side with those lucky, 'er, sisters. The soldiers have talked about getting t-shirts with images of nuns in Army gear emblazoned with the slogan, "Nuns with Guns." (Oh dear, how tired is that as you'll see the above order has been sporting rifles for years) But as one of the good sisters said, "We're a non-violent order."
Hmm... now if I had my holy druthers would I want to be out at a baseball game sitting next to persons who obviously spend too much time in front of a bag of potato chips, fondling a Budweiser, slouched-on-a-couch with a remote, screaming, yelling and tossing, no doubt, their beer cups at me, the said penguin sticking out like a sore thumb (though with what you all wear these days to sporting events, blue painted faces and the like, perhaps I wouldn't be too, too obvious)... or... sharing my convent confines with some, well, you know, well-made, defined physical examples of God's creatures, that is men!? Hmm.... tough choice!
Well, guess I should go pray for my sinful thoughts. Until next time... you can read about the lucky Ninth Ward Nuns at
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
When the Saints Go Marching In, or When Nun X Spends Too Much Time on the Freeway
Our favorite mentally roving reporter, Nun X always has the most unique take on most any subject be it, Monk breweries, Pomeroys, or politics, and can erect an easy bridge between all three leaving you in her wake as you scramble for a comeback. Sit for a few hours with Nun X and she'll mix up a blender full of stories including one about her days in a dusty car cruising through Morocco. These tales usually told while the Stiff Pickle Orchestra spins in the background.
Once again as you'll read in her posting below, Nun X has designed a unique thoroughfare between recent Pope pronouncements, the Los Angeles Freeways, old St. Nick and the California tradition of naming a road or a locale after a saint.
Without further ado...
Dateline: Los Angeles, Subject: Nun X incensed
I've been backed up to the third rib with indignation about the latest Popeist commandments. Anyone who has driven up the 101 will have noticed the list of Saints male and female littering the Camino Real:
Santa Monica,
San Fernando
Santa Claus
Santa Barbara...
Hold on, Santa Claus? Is there a mistake? Could this be a protest from the Northern Tribes as they trudged along under the tyrannical thumb of the tonsilled few on their journey north? Innocent fun. 'Here Lads just add an A, for a bit of fun.'
One is lead to consider that the Good Santa himself may infact have been Mrs. Claus in disguise. Perhaps to cover up a pregnancy in front of the children, Santa Claus was given a big belly. Mayhaps the only disguise left to the Pregnant Bearded Lady appearing at some Victorian frollick. A left over from the days of misrule and Pagan Yule tide logs. Or Pantomime, with its good spattering of Cross Dressers and the Widow Twankie snapping garters and fondling beard as she cavorted before the Gas Light stage. The Principal man in fair maidens bloom would not have raised an eyebrow at the honorable Santa Claus as he/she cavorted amongst the young ones.
So Pop(e) old girl, what about it? Remember the Lady in that position, and reinstate her image on the wall in honor of our dear Santa Claus.
Gays in the Belfry and tipple in the Hall.
I say, let them lie where they and all.
Nun X
Monday, October 17, 2005
Nun Toys...What On Earth Will You Lay People Think of Next? (pun intended!)
Well who would have thought when the first sister donned a habit that eventually it would spark a whole market of nun toys? It's bad enough to receive Nun greeting cards on birthdays and holidays, as if I needed to be reminded that I am indeed a nun, but now to have seen the bevy of nun toys from puppets to windup toys and now, the ultimate in poor taste created by a man obsessed with sounds from his orifice... I kid you not...the Farting Nun Organ! And this man no doubt lives next to a Trappist Brewery as it comes from the UK. One can only imagine how this idea was dreamed up. No doubt over a few pints whilst yucking it up in said pub. But... as there is much to be troubled about in this world ... and to each his own...and we are to spread some good cheer, and if you're into this sort of thing, then go to the link below and watch this trio of nuns "fart" their way through a few numbers.
And for when the conversation starts to wane at the dinner table as you discuss 'the great accomplishments of Dubya,' here's a sure fire winner to liven things up... a nun puppet, also known as "the boxing nun."
And perhaps the other dinner party guests could also have the "fingerpuppet nuns" as party favors and join on the fun. Then a group therapy discussion could ensue in which you speak through the nuns, quite like the Holy Spirit might speak through you if you prayed more often... and then tell each other exactly what you think of them. Or just have a puppet show and sing your way through the "Sound of Music" soundtrack, using the silverware and glasses as percussion instruments.
And for the truly dispossessed that had rather traumatic encounters with us in the classroom, you can relive those warped scenarios by winding up little Nunzilla and watch her trot around the room spitting sparks of fire.
Honestly! What will you lay people think of next? I shudder to think! Well, off to the Nun Toy Factory, 'er, that is, prayer hour. Until next time...
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Halloween Is Coming. Gee, I Wonder What Costumes the Lot of You Will Choose?
I first got my feet wet as a nun by, yes, I have to admit, dressing up as a Nun one Halloween when I was a wee-novitiate-in-training. Naturally being part of a Catholic family on a layman's salary, I had to be inventive and transformed a sibling's black graduation gown into a habit. Throw in my First Holy Communion rosary and some white linen from the linen drawer and voila! I could have walked into the convent at my local parochial school and had a meeting of the minds with the Philadelphia penguins, i.e., the sisters, not a home team of any sort. Oddly enough it inspired my brothers to do the same. (they didn't become priests, but seem to have retained an odd fascination as they approach middle age even, for the trumpet sounds their orifice can create after a night of eating Mexican food)
Strange things can happen when "a nun" child shows up at a door searching for candy (and certainly prepares you for the begging and life of poverty you take up as the real deal) or an adult attends a booze-laden Halloween party.
Whilst perusing for some such stories to forewarn all you playful souls about the dangers of parading as a wanna-be nun on Halloween, I chanced upon this story, in three parts no less, at the Revolution Pollution blog site. Quite a story this blogger has to tell with the quotable quote, "I must say I look ravishing as a nun if a nun can look ravishing." Chapter One of this harrowing story -- "The Nun Who Drank Too Much." Chapter Two - "The Nun Who Drank Too Much, Pt. 2" and the grand finale, "The Nun Goes to Court."
Let me perhaps provide you with this visual, if this story doesn't scare you enough. If the Nun shenanigans get out of hand and you are a "she," you could end up in the pokey, and we all saw what happened to Linda Blair in "Born Innocent." (made me never want to 'sweep' again, if you catch my holy drift) If you're a "he," well, does the phrase, "wearing your boxers backwards?" mean anything to you? Let's just say 'a he-nun in a pokey, is surely to get it. Okie dokie?'
So, if any of you wannabes need advice on your nun regalia that you'll be trouncing around in on Halloween, send me a picture and we'll post it for all the web world to see.
Until then, those readers in the U.K. can find the above costume at the
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Godspeed at the Horse Races
It appears the Little Sisters of the Poor have seen the light having suffered enough bake sales, rummage sales (the worst!), sewing underwear such as the Nuns of St. Claire did in the movie, "Rebecca," to finally put their hopes on a far better meal ticket... a thoroughbred. (And I certainly don't mean a hunky farmhand!) Donated to the good sisters they are putting the racehorse, up for auction and then will reap from the proceeds every time he crosses first at the finish line.
What's next? Nuns opening casinos? I say, take a page from the Trappists monks and nuns and open a stateside-nun-run-saloon and/or brewery. Take your pick!
And now a bit of horse humor...
The nuns at a small convent were happy to learn that an anonymous donor had left his modest estate to them. Each nun had been left $50 in cash to give away as she saw fit. Each nun announced how she would spend her bequest. Sister Catherine Ann decided to give her share to the first poor person she saw. As she said this, she looked out the window and saw a man leaning against the telephone pole across the street, and he indeed looked poor. She immediately left the convent and walked toward the man. He had obviously known better days. The good nun felt he had been sent by Heaven to receive her offering. She pressed the $50 into the man's hands and said, "Godspeed, my good man." As she left, the man called out to her, "What is your name?" Shyly, she replied, "Sister Catherine Ann."
The following evening, the man returned to the convent and rang the bell. "I'd like to see Sister Catherine Ann," he said. The nun at the door answered, "I'm sorry, but I cannot disturb her right now. She's in the chapel. May I give her a message?" "Yes," said the man gleefully. "Give her this $100 and tell her Godspeed came in second at Belmont."
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Calling Katie Holmes... Save Yourself, Join the Convent Now!
My, my, my if ever a poor dear needed rescuing, and as the Whoopster's character in Sister Act hid out in a convent from the mob, for the sake of escaping the trainwreck-de-la-Cruise, Miss Katie Holmes please run to your nearest costume shop, purchase a nun's habit (discounts aplenty with Halloween around the corner) and knock on our convent door for immediate entrance! We're the next best thing to, ahem, Holmes for Unwed Mothers, and we'll even watch junior or juniorette, when you go to work everyday.
We held a bake sale, announced it at mass, raffled off Sister Divinia's big screen TV (since being 92 she sleeps through most of the day and is 'nun' the wiser...), sold chocolate bars, and raised I believe enough money to somewhat match the salary you surely must have been paid for your performance-of-a-lifetime in the I'm Tom Cruise's Wife movie that will screen at the current running time of the next... five years.
So, you have your choice Miss Holmes.... one of these images could be you!