Saturday, September 10, 2005

Say it isn't so! It wasn't was Lennon pissing from a window.

Well, the nerve! Here all this time we thought as the old saying goes - when it rains, it's the angels peeing from heaven. Well, looks like that time I was waltzing about in my old hood, that it was 'a god' of a different sort, Mr. Lennon peeing out his window on our flock. Imagine there is no heaven, indeed!

Well, as Mother Superior would have said no doubt, God rest her soul, - if someone is going to pee on you, it might as well be John Lennon! Read about it here...


Anonymous said...

Jeepers... would ya stop talking about peeing... now I gotta go again and it's a long walk to the outhouse. Don't be drinking my beer while I'm gone.

A Nun said...

If one didn't pee, we couldn't rid ourselves of the waste we collect! It's our God given right to 'go to the loo' as Nun X would say, she of British extraction.

Anonymous said...

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