Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Nuns in the News...again: Sister Mary Michael Knelt Down & Prayed for 12 Hours... count 'em

Sister Mary Michael has made the Hollywood news with her defiant 12-hour kneeling stint against the filming of 'DVC' (Da Vinci Code) at the Lincoln Cathedral that was apparently witnessed by Tom Hanks and the Sony film crew. Sister Mary Michael said that it only 'mattered what God thought, not what a film crew thought.' Loosely translated: she gave a 12 hour audition for a part in the movie in hopes to show that the long shooting days required to make such a film are face it, nothing to dyed-in-the-habit old timer nuns who spend hours prostrate in penance. And that it only matters what... Mr. Hanks thought of her knee bruising performance!

The Lincoln Cathedral was selected after being turned down by the Westminister Abbey where the book is originally set.

Read all about it here -

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