I have just recently found your website. What a breath of fresh air! It's so hard being a nun these days, everyone is expecting a habit and flying lessons. I, however, am firmly grounded and while I do not consume beer myself, I live in Vermont where the local sisters certainly appreciate their microbrews. Soon I'll be jetting off to England to begin more adventures of the finest order. My dream is to run into
Sister Wendy in front of a
David Hockney painting at the
Tate Museum. That would be
sublime! Thanks again for the wonderful site, keep up the great work and let's all get our praise on!
- Sister QP.S. And yes, I was inspiredby
Nun X!Nun X replies...I wish
Sister Q luck in her travels. A quick tour of the ruined Cathederals dotted around that God forsaken land will be enough to make a good habit shudder. Since the locals had to be complicit in the wrecking of
Glastonbury and many others by
Henry the 8thtroupes, you would be well advised to hike your habit to your knees and possibly wear a chador.
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