Sightings of saints date back to the dawn of human imagination, my fondest one being ...Our Lady of Fatima! Here however are just a few of the more infamous sightings that gives one pause as to their choice of trajectories...
The infamous "Nun Bun" from 1996. Is it just an ordinary cinnamon bun, or... is it Mother Teresa? I'd opt for a manmade contraption as it appeared while she was alive, and well, she was less than amused when its image made its way onto t-shirts. (even though we did raise the necessary funds needed for new coffeemakers in the convent when we peddled our share!)
Father Guido Sarducci - did he ever find the Pope in the pizza? Here it looks as if the Pope himself is trying to find his image in some pizza dough, no doubt from the delicious Italian pizzeria down the street from the Vatican.
Mary was floating along and as what often happens to birds in flight with these glass mirrored buildings, well she just 'floated' right smack into it and got stuck there for several hours! Quite a colorful splat - a bit Peter Max-ish I'd say.
And certainly my favorite one that has made its way into our consciousness certainly whenever we make a grilled cheese sandwich! Mary, perhaps a bit hungry from all this flying around and/or as Mother Superior would have said, she's just running out of places to magically appear isn't she?!
More to come....
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