With nuns bleeding at the knees in protest over the filming of the
DaVinci Code, (or auditioning for a part in said movie - you decide) it's enough to make one wonder why. For the cinema has been one of the greatest plugs, and on the big screen no less, for our cause and life in the convent!
As a young novitiate in training, I was weaned on such cinematic treasures as...
"The Sound of Music" (certainly
the greatest nun movie of all time, if only for the scene of
Mother Superior belting out
"Climb Every Mountain" as you wondered, hello, how was the convent able to afford the orchestra backing you on this number? And, of course, a nun pulling plug wires out of the Nazi's car to help the
Von Trapp family take off with their runaway nun, Maria and the fact that young novice nun Maria was able to be 'engaged' to both
Jesus and
Christopher Plummer - well that's a long road to go down for now);
"The Singing Nun" (
dominique, na nick na ni! and yes, like all good Catholic families we owned the soundtrack!);
"Heaven Knows Mr. Allison" (where a castaway nun gets to hang out with hunky, occasionally unshaven, musky smelling Mr. Allison and finds herself eating raw fish. I wondered, is that what missionary work will ask us to do? And how can one hire "a Mr. Allison" to keep the fires burning if needed...);
"The Trouble With Angels" (my vote for
'the' Hayley Mills movie, though she certainly gave us a lot of tricks to try on our nun teachers!);
"Where Angels Go Trouble Follows" (
Rosalind Russell reprises her role in this sequel to the aforementioned title, and no less as a sign of the times, taking the girls to California peace rally!). And in later years,
"Sister Act" (with far too many memorable lines, the least of which
Sister Whoopi's attempt at saying grace before dinner and what a nun choir
really sounds like before a hip Las Vegas chick comes in to show them how it's
really done. If only our church choir could afford to pay Whoopi her salary for music lessons...)
There are a couple of titles here that have escaped me. And I shudder to think what the two nuns on the cover of
"Come to the Stables" are thinking! Perhaps
Nun X might have a clue she being around stables and up to her habit in horse mucky muck much of the time.
"Black Narcissus" - shant go there!
And all these are available, some as you shall see for 10% off, at Amazon.com!
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/listmania/list-browse/-/1B0NO8W6X06Z6/104-5783370-7129555Well, sounding like perhaps one of those old nuns who is a wee bit winded from too much bending at the knees, hours of fervent prayer and/or turned out to pasture...
Nun X has offered a comment re: the above --
As my good friends who make up, The Four Mounted Nuns of the Apocalypse, assured me, 'You better be wearing leathers when thundering down on some unsuspecting sinner in breach of one of the all encompassing commandments.'
Nothing like a good stirrup cup before heading out on one of those expeditions.
Nun X