Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Alas, I've Been Away Far Too Long

It's so hard to update a blog when one can't log into the damn thing.  But finally I found my very old password and voila - success!  I've been doing so much since my last post, including encouraging every nunnery I can think of to invest in reliable income.  While we are far off from becoming legal dispensaries or "pot shops" as it is more colloquially known - well, amongst the elders anyway - we can still forge ahead with what Trappist monks and nunneries have succeeded in doing in Europe for so long - operating breweries. 

Hence, I am please to announce that a judge has ruled Nuns and Priests can build a school, brewery and winery in McHenry Country, Illinois - as reported by the Chicago Tribune.  The Fraternite order will be the ones at the helm.  And to this I say bravo - for after running a school all day one does need something a bit stronger than the beads on their rosaries and long hours of prayer.  What better than a good bottle of homemade suds and a nice red, preferably Pinot Noir or a good Cabernet to watch the sun go down.  It sounds like so much fun, I may fly over there myself and start hoeing the land.  

Cheers good sisters!  Let's embrace the nectar of the gods!