As a nun we are often stopped in the street, at church during vespers, in the grocery store or receive phone calls at the convent, emails and letters from those worried about the various doomsday predictions. Lord knows how many we've had to endure. How would you like it if when Sister Fry Cook has just prepared her delicious souffle and we're about to dip our forks into it, but the phone rings or someone bangs on the door, wanting reassurance that we're not all going to float away (read: die) because of some Nostradamus prediction. (What was up with that guy? I assume his wife probably wasn't a very good cook and he got gas or heartburn a considerable amount of time, so took to his desk to predict many disasters, as he no doubt probably wished he'd just die already.)
That said, the latest prediction is the Mayan calendar running out on 12/12/2012, which has spawned numerous websites and a now, of course, a movie. (And how scary can it be, truly, if John Cusack's the star?) The Mayans have finally spoken out, that it is not the end of the world and they're more concerned with getting some rain soon (and don't bother them about that being a sign - just bring them some water).
So, as the cartoon shows, and I have long said, the reason their calendar runs out on said doomsday date is they probably ... just got tired of counting.
Now, if we can just have one dinner where we reach dessert, in peace...please.