Associated Catholic Newswire: Angry protests over the sale of the popular "Boxing Nun" puppet at local area "joke" shops in Los Angeles, have incited non-stop rioting by local nuns. In Hollywood, dozens of nuns marched through parts of the city looting, carrying tiki torches and signs declaring, "Rap the Knuckles of the One Who Makes Fun of the Nun!" and "Nuns are Sisters of God, Not Fighters!" and "Wacko's Making Money off of Free Speech Rights!"
In Pennsylvania, long known as the largest "nun state," burning effigies of the Boxing Nun were erected as various orders, including the sequested Carmelites, even ventured out on the streets after dark to protest.
In Europe, maintaining a more peaceful stance, several nun orders held candlelight vigils while Trappist monks served free beer in an effort to maintain calm, among the more older, unruly sisters. One nun cried out, "See! We drink beer! We're not all bad!" Skinhead punks holding nun puppets and wearing Charlie Don't Surf and Jews for Jesus shirts, surrounded the nuns and taunted, "take a puppet and fight back!"
In Hollywood a local joke shop owner released the statement, "The Boxing Nun has long been one of our biggest sellers. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about as we also having a Boxing Rabbi and a Boxing Satan. So, we certainly don't have anything against anyone, and besides, the Boxing Nun is funny. "
Additional reporting by: Sister Q in Britian.