Well I'm sure this fine singing sister had no idea the many outlets her music would take when she first "cut tracks" for her vinyl album (look it up in the encyclopedia kiddies) that yielded a Number 1 Hit on the charts in 1963 keeping, the rock song, "Louie, Louie" from reaching that coveted position. Now available on CD and the ultimate tribute, you can listen to her while at work as she streams on the World Wide Web at... http://musicsojourn.com/AR/oldies/page/s/SingingNun.htm
This singing Belgian nun was also known as Soeur Sourire ("Sister Smile") and resided at a Dominican convent when she hit it big. Certainly a forward thinker and a product of the free-wheelin' '60s this rebellious nun of the '60s wrote a song praising God for the invention of The Pill. Saints preserve us! Sadly, this gal we could have used around today, decided to take the shortcut to heaven when this rock and roll stage we call "earth" proved too much for her when the Belgian government came a' knockin' for back taxes from unpaid royalties. Like a good nun, Sister Smile had donated those royalties to her convent.
See the sanitized version of her life as portrayed by Debbie Reynolds.